| Secret Operation Mission And Rebellion Mission Assault Cutting Edge Assembly Irregular Gun Powder Maverick Strike Assassins Complex! (秘密操作任務と反乱ミ任務アサルト最先端の不規則な火薬のマーベリックストライクアセンブリ科学刺客複雑!) | Environment Frontline(環境戦線)|Battlefield of Kuraumuzu(戦場のクラウムズ)| Amadeus Syndicate Mercenary Troops(アマデウス軍 傭兵部隊)| Amadeus Syndicate Soldiers(アマデウス軍 兵士たち(軍人))| Amadeus Syndicate Army Tank(アマデウス軍 戦車(タンク))|Morden'S Army Helicopter(モーデン軍 ヘリコプター)| Amadeus Syndicate Army Transport Trucks(アマデウス軍 輸送トラック)|Amadeus Syndicate Army Transport Helicopter(アマデウス軍 輸送ヘリコプター)|Amadeus Syndicate Armies(アマデウス軍)|Military Forced Assault(軍用強制攻撃)|Cross Coup d'etat(クロスクーデター) | Animation(アニメーション), Mecha(メカ), Science Fiction(空想科学), Action(アクション), Military Anime(軍事アニメ)| Commando Shooter(コマンドーシューター)|Atlus USA |
BGM:Show Sprit (From Metal Slug 4)
[Amadeus Underground Base Secret Factory: Front line on the Battlefield against the Regular Army]
【アマデウス 地下基地 秘密工場対正規軍戦闘地域最前線】
AMADEUS RESEARCHER A: "Hey, hey! Hurry up and check up the UNITED SHOP lineup! This is wild!"
アマデウス軍研究員A: 「おいおい、今回の 『UNITED SHOP』のラインナッブ見ろよ!やっべえなコレ!」
AMADEUS RESEARCHER B: "Ah, these rumors are hot even at the laboratory! A huge weapons with its cylinder exposed like the space between a skirt and knee-socks... Hoo boy! The Regular Army Comprehensive Weapons... I want it so bad...! "
アマデウス軍研究員B: 「ああ、研究所内でもこのうわさで持ち切りだぜ!巨大兵器に絶対領域が如く露出しているシリンダー・・・そそられるぜ・・・!『正規軍総合兵器』・・・欲しすぎる・・・!」
AMADEUS RESEARCHER A: "Getting all excited about a cylinder... You're a total maniac. But the Regular Army Comprehensive Weapons... You know who's on board that thing, right...?"
アマデウス軍研究員A: 「シリンダー萌えってお前、マニアだな。でも、 『正規軍総合兵器』あの人が乗って・・・ってるんだろ・・・?」
AMADEUS RESEARCHER B: "Yeah... The Ikari Warriors Team... How do you reckon it's been customized this time? ...Soldiers from our army probably can't even get near it."
アマデウス軍研究員B: 「ああ・・・怒チームか・・・今回はどんなカスタマイズで来るんだろな・・・うちの軍の兵士たちは近寄ることすらできないかもな。・・・合同訓練の時思ったんだけどさ、あの軍、怒チーム曹以外も怖いやつばっかりだよな。」
AMADEUS RESEARCHER A: "There was some crazy girl who would freeze you in place while laughing maniacaIly, right? A few people were hospitalized when the ice wouldn't melt, even after training had ended. That's gotta leave some serious trauma."
アマデウス軍研究員A: 「キャハハと笑いながら氷漬けにしてくるやついたよな。訓練後もなぜか氷が溶けなくって何人入院したんだっけ。トラウマだわ。」
AMADEUS RESEARCHER B: "She looked like a sweet little girl, but I guess we were all played the fool. Taking that kind of force on in a head on fight would be suicide... Hm, I guess they don't even fight like that... They're too strong."
アマデウス軍研究員B: 「いたいけな美少女の見た目なのにな、騎されたよな。あんな奴らと正面から戦うのはムリが..、あ、向こうがそもそも正面から戦わないのか最強だな。」
AMADEUS RESEARCHER A: "Ah, but don't you think the commander's beloved AI series could maybe compete with the Regular Army?"
アマデウス軍研究員A: 「あ、でもほら、総帥秘蔵のAIシリーズなら正規軍と張り合えるんじゃないか?」
AMADEUS RESEARCHER B: "Yeah, I guess you're right! The Amadeus Syndicate's Al is the best in the world!"
アマデウス軍研究員B: 「ああ、確かに!アマデウス軍のAIは世界一だったな!」
AMADEUS RESEARCHER A: "A Unlike humans, they don't get scared, and they don't run from the battlefield! I'm starting to feel this battle might go well!"
アマデウス軍研究員A: 「人間と違って、怯えることも、戦場から逃げ出すこともないしな!何だか今回の作戦、いける気がしてきたぜ!」
OTTO: "Alma. It's about time for the broadcast. If you screw it up, the commander will cut our budget again."
オット: 「アルマ。そろそろ放送の時間だ。しくじるとまた総帥に予算を減らされるぞ。」
ALMA: "No need to be so worried. I'm just reading from a script in front of the mic, after all. what could possibly go wrong?"
アルマ: 「慌てなくても、マイクの前で文字読むだけなんだから余裕。失敗しょうがないってえ。」
World Broadcast: " "Everyone! Are you prepared? From here on out, the UNITED FRONT will be in full effect!" "
世界放送: 「『みんなー準備はいいかい?これより、UNITED FRONTを発動します!』」
AMADEUS RESEARCHER A: "oh, there's the announcement. we should head out soon, too."
アマデウス軍研究員A: 「お、アナウンス来たな。俺たちも向かうか。」
World Broadcast: " "Naturally, your target is the Regular Army Comprehensive Weapons…" "
世界放送: 『目指すはモチロン、正規軍総合兵器・・・』 」
BGM: The scene of a hard battle (From Metal Slug 4)
" "I hate my sister!" "
アマデウス軍研究員B: 「な、なんだ!?」
ALMA: "C-come on, Fortress, calm down…"
OTTO: "Alma, get back!!"
IRON FORTRESS : "Don't come near me!!"
アイアンフォートレス :「私に近づかないで!!」
ALMA: "wah! Okay, I won't so just put away that missile will you? Your sister isn't here anymore, right?"
アルマ:「わわ!オッケー、近づかない、だからそのミサイルしまおう?ここには 『お姉ちゃん』もいないから、ね?」
FIRST BABY : "HeY... thErE you arE liTtle Sis...!"
ファースト・ベイビー :「ゥあ・・・イもウット、ィタ・・・!」
IRON FORTRESS: "I told you not to come! I definitely warned you! ...I'm leaving this base!"
FIRST BABY: "WaaH... WAIT...!"
OTTO: "*Cough* *cough*...Alma, are you alright? I'm sorry, there were too many missiles for to stop... ...Alma?"
ALMA: "Oh no, what are we gonna do? Fortress ran away!"
World Broadcast: " "Yeah... Looks like Fortress fan away. But right now there's something more important than that, isn't there? Fortress is the old man's favorite! we've gotta go after her! Nothing's more important than that!" "
アマデウス軍研究員A: 「!!」
BGM: The Trooper
[Radioactive Danger zone in Pripyat Red Forest, Ukraine: At the UNITED FRONT (potentially) fierce battlefield]
【ウクライナ、プリピャチの赤い森の放射性危険区域 UNITED FRONT激戦場(予定)にて】
RALF: "why...? why isn't anyone coming?!"
PERCHE: "Everyone is too afraid of the Elite Master's strength!! It's only natural!! There's no room for doubt!!"
AMI: "well then. If there are no enemies, I'll take you on. Let's see which is stronger, your Flamethrower or my Mölnir."
CLARK: "Don't be reckless, this isn't training you know."
LEONA: "I can't believe you meatheads..."
ULALA: "..But really, what happened?"
ASHLEY: "The battle should have already started…"
FIO: "Staff Sergeant Whip, we have a problem!"
WHIP: "what is it? where are the enemies?"
AVVIO: "I'm ready to go take care of 'em myself."
MS-HEART: "About that... During the UNITED FRONT announcement earlier…"
MS-HEART:「それが・・・先ほどUNITED FRONTの宣言で・・・。」
BGM:Hostile Jungle (Main Theme From Ikari Warriors)(Metal Slug Attack Remix)
IRON FORTRESS: "waaaaah! why is everyone chasing after me? Leave me alone!"
RALF: "You're the one who screwed up the UNITED FRONT ! That was supposed to be MY battlefield! Prepare yourself!"
ラルフ:「オレの独壇場になるはずだったUNITED FRONT を邪魔しやがったのはテメェだな!覚悟しやがれ!」
IRON FORTRESS: "waaaah! It's so hot! My tank's gonna melt!"
アイアンフォートレス :「うわあああん!熱いよぁ、ダメ、ボディが溶けちゃう!」
GROWL: "where do you think you're going to run to? Don't underestimate the Ikari Warriors Team's ability to surround their foes."
ヤゥ: 「一体どこへ逃げようというの?怒チームの包囲力を紙めないで!」
CLARK:"That's a big target. No chance of missing."
IRON FORTRESS: "wah... Sniff... I hate this... Everyone's picking on me...! Sniff... waaaah…"
BGM: Furiously (From Metal Slug 4)
FIRST BABY: "I founD yoU!mY cUte litTIE siS!"
RALF, CLARK : "Argh!"
LEONA, PERCHE: "Get out of there, Ami! Ulala!"
AMI, ULALA: "Tch. Unneeded interference... No, just more prey for the hunt."
FIRST BABY: "I'IL protECt yOu... mY lovely litTle Sis!"
IRON FORTRESS: "...I'm not going back to the base, even if you protect me."
IRON FORTRESS: "...Sister?"
FIRST BABY: "huRRy...!"
IRON FORTRESS: "Sister..."
BGM: Honest Person Who Fights (From Metal Slug 3D)
[Amadeus Underground Base]
ALMA: "Did you hear? Fortress came back!"
OTTO: "Seems she was being pursued by a ridiculous number of enemies for some reason, and was about to take serious damage. Probably just came back because she had no other choice."
ALMA: "That's not it. when she came back, she had a big smile on her face. Something good must have happened, surely."
OTTO: "...I see. In that case, I guess there was good reason for your lab to be shut down, too. Can I throw this away?"
ALMA: "No! I can still use that! My lab isn't being shut down, it's moving! It's totally different, so don't get it wrong!"
OTTO: "I don't know what kind of research you plan on doing in that room they gave you with no running water or electricity, but give it your best shot. See ya."
ALMA: "what! You're already leaving?! Cleaning this place on my won will take all night... ... Aren't I the person who saved you life?"
アルマ:「えー!もう行っちゃうの!?私一人で片づけてたら日が暮れて昇っちゃう・・・。 ・・・私、君の命の恩人だよね?」
OTTO: "...You're a patronizing patron, aren't you. You're the one who said being tied down to one place doesn't suit me, aren't you?"
ALMA: "One day won't kill you! Hmph, who'd have thought so many people would get the wrong idea after hearing that broadcast."
OTTO: "You straight up announced that chasing after Fortress takes precedence over the battle."
ALMA: "I'm gonna get a good scolding from the old man because of that... Boo-hoo-hoo... Ah! There's a UNITED COIN in my desk!"
アルマ:「おかげでじーさんの大目玉くらうし・・・とほほ・・・。あ、机の隙間から 『UNITED COIN』が!」
OTTO: "Hurry up and go exchange it. Your stomach's been grumbling for a while now."
BGM: End to the war (From Metal Slug 4)
ALMA: "*Grr*...*Grumble* *grumble* *grumble*... Ah... I'm so hungry."
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